I’m not a journalist; I’ve never taken journalism classes. I’m sure there’s a world of journalism out there about which I am completely ignorant. But if I had one piece of advice for journalists, it would be this: please avoid adverbs and adjectives. Please.
I don’t want to hear how Trump went to Texas. I don’t want to read “Trump went needlessly to Texas” or “Trump, who is awesome, went to Texas.” I just want to hear that he went to Texas. I’m not a moron; I can think for myself whether it was needless or whether Trump is awesome.
Just tell me the facts. Nothing more. If you are really desperate for adjectives, report that someone else used them: “FEMA Director Fanny McBlab said that she felt that President Trump’s trip to Texas was poorly timed, as it might interfere with…” or “Trump Press Secretary Jan Moutheson reported that Trump’s trip to Texas would spur economic growth in a region that has no actual services to provide.”
I can think for myself whether FEMA Director Fanny McBlab has a valid opinion or not. Same for Jan Moutheson.
But, journalists, when you say that the trip is needless or that Trump is awesome, you inject yourself into the news. You make it about you.
Stop it.
About yourself, be silent. If you’re a Trump supporter, great; I don’t need to be able to tell from your reporting. If you despise the guy, fine: I don’t want to know from what you tell me as a newscaster.
No more adjectives. No more adverbs. Just news. Just facts.