One of the things I’ve noticed from watching Facebook is that the nature of conversation is being fractured. Facebook, Twitter, and other such mediums encourage the use of soundbites, basically snappy and memorable phrases. Conversations become about headlines, rather than content or context. The thing is: that’s not how we actually exist. Our conversations are [...]
How do you promote an anonymous resource?

I have a blog that I keep anonymous, for specific reasons. I think it’s worth reading, but due to anonymity, I don’t know how to promote it. Any suggestions? It’s not a blog that’s unethical, or immoral; it just deals with subject matter for which my authorship would be surprising, and my identity would affect [...]
Wealth Redistribution

I was thinking about the Affordable Care Act – popularly known as Obamacare, because… err… because – and how it’s been marketed almost explicitly as wealth redistribution, as opposed to universal care. It’s funny, because while the idea of universal care is attractive, wealth redistribution is … scary. Why is “wealth redistribution” scary? To me, [...]
New system hard drive; AOMEI software worked about as well as one could hope.

I have been waiting for my system hard drive to fail for a while. It’s not been a bad drive, except for the constant warnings that it’s got a limited time to live – wait, isn’t that the definition of a bad drive? I guess it could be worse, but… Anyway, last night I bit [...]
Legalized Discrimination in Indiana

Indiana’s “religious freedom” bill is a good example of something that should never have had to happen. As I understand it – and I’m not a lawyer, nor do I live in Indiana any more, so I’m mostly seeing the aftermath of rage – it says that a business has the right to refuse to [...]
Say What You Mean

Facebook has led me to see a lot of people who, while intelligent, don’t know how to communicate in such a way that their viewpoints have any strength or apparent merit. I’d like to see that repaired – because reading stupid stuff wastes everyone’s time. While I’m not the wisest person or the most effective [...]
Synergy 1.6.3 has been released, may fix focus problems

The Synergy Project, a program that allows cross-platform sharing of keyboard and mouse, has released version 1.6.3, which has a potentially really important fix in the changelog: 1.6.3 ===== Bug #4349 - Mouse click does not always bring window to front I’ve been having a lot of problems with Z-order on my desktops, and this [...]
Poetry: Tomorrow

I have decided To bear my soul But Tomorrow. Whenever tomorrow is. Because today is always today In my heart. But when tomorrow comes, When it is no longer today, You will be able To understand everything I have tried to say.

I thought I saw a kite Flying high behind the wind A song made out of colors And a sunny, breezy day But then I came around The corner of the path I saw that I'd been wrong The entire time.
New Music: Duration and Unknown

I somehow managed to create two new songs over the last week or so, both instrumental but with, um, slightly different feels to them. The releases are: Unknown Duration This will nearly round out a release I’ve decided to title “Oevre,” just because the name sounds cool. (An “oevre” is a reference to the works [...]